Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my starting this blog with an innocent little post. Since then I have blogged about everything from politics to my kids to my boobs to my hair to virtually everything in between (and don't panic... I don't mean body parts in between. I just kinda scared myself). I vent, I laugh, I sing, I blog like nobody's reading (luckily for me that isn't too hard to imagine since my audience revolves around my mom and a smattering of friends). So, in honor of my one year anniversary spewing thoughts into this cyber abyss.... I am going to do a top 10 list of my favorite blog posts. If you're new, check them out. If not, and you already read them, leave a comment about a post you particularly liked (if you can't think of one, I totally understand... just humor me and make it up. Chances are, I won't remember if it was a real post or not).
Top 10 Favorite Blog Posts from the Last Year
- The Mark Post: It's funny because it's true.
- To Lift or Not to Lift: It's sad because it's true.
- Momunist Regime Attacks Cookie Party: Because I still fear the momunists!!! (And they're still out to get me. Shhhh... don't tell them where I am).
- The R Word: Because sometimes my blog is about stuff that is actually worth thinking about. Not often... but it does happen. Ok, once. Shut up.
- Dear Mr. Sexually Harassing Texter Guy: Because he has the nerve to sexually harass me and I never hear from him again. Seriously, is it that hard to pick up the phone and call someone after you send them a sext by mistake??? I feel so used.
- Four Years Ago... Sniff Sniff: Because sometimes when I blog, I really mean it. (And not even sarcastically).
- Pee Pee in the Potty... A Diary: Because no one should go through this alone.
- Will went into the water: Because some posts still make me cry when I re-read them (and not because they are just that bad).
- Tween Checklist: Because knowing who I live with kinda makes you understand why I am the way I am. (And it should make you feel sorry for me, too. A double bonus).
- A Letter to Kanye - AKA A Verbal Bitchslap: Because sometimes, I crack myself up.
So, those are my favorites. If you liked something else, let me know. I always like to hear from my fans. And no, I can't say that with a straight face.
Happy Bloggiversary.
there is no good way to spell that "word"
captcha: entrilie
Woo Hoo I made #1
Well happy one year of blogging!
I like the dear mr sexually harrassing texter guy, great stuff, and congrats on the anniversary!! Keeping a blog going...and no easy feat, i'm sure you know! Great job!
Happy Bloggiversary Dittos to you!! I love them all, each and every one!
Laura the Famous
Happy anniversary!! I actually really loved your recent blog on Lady Gaga too. I had never considered all the practical aspects of her unusual wardrobe!
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