The woman threw the toddler at her husband, told him to bathe the toddler and she ran downstairs for the vacuum. She got on her hands and knees and sucked up every speck of that perfumed powder. She realized the smell was getting stronger, and so strong in fact that the room seemed to be cloudy with the scent. She wondered if the smell was making her dizzy or hallucinate because the air literally seemed to be filled with it. But as the dutiful mother and housewife that she is, she just kept vacuuming. Suddenly she heard her husband yell from the master bath and she walked to the door, squinting through the polluted haze to see him.
Mark: What vacuum are you using?
Me: The little Eureka... duh.
Mark: You mean the one I told you the other day had no bags?
Me: Uh... yeah.
Mark: Do you not see the cloud that you've created?
Me: Uh... I thought I was hallucinating.
Mark: Nope, just dumb... but I don't think you can blame the powder.
Me: Uh... right.

Let that be a lesson to you, boys and girls. Vacuuming powder through a bagless vacuum shoots the powder into the air and makes an ubreathable toxic cloud of hell flowers. What's even more important to note is that when it settles it makes your room appear that Courtney Love stopped by with her coke and a cold. Who knew???
That is too funny...sounds like something I would do, except my husband would NEVER know if there were bags in the vacuum or not. :)
Wow, Once that I was the smart one?
Mark -- you'd better put this date on your calendar.
I would also like to note for the record that at the time I told you there was no bags left for that Vacuum your response was "Why do I care about that?"
Suz - Yeah... Mark is usually the vacuumer... although neither of us really do it, as we rely on Merry Maids for all of our cleaning needs (hence the white powder is still everywhere).
Mark - Just this once.
Mom - No kidding!!!
Mark - Clearly, I didn't care enough!
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